Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A tribesman’s relation to his tribe is usually regulated in minute detail by custom which is followed unquestioningly and considered part of the natural or the divine order. Tribal custom is neither a decree of the general will, nor edict of legislative reason. The tribesman is such by virtue of his birth, not by virtue of self-determination. He is usually unaware that the destiny of man is progressive, and that he can fulfil this destiny by merging his will into the will of the tribe.
Tribalism is most powerful force in the whole world. It is most powerful than atomic bomb. It is powerful than all military might of superpower. It’s when one group says we are us, and other group says you are them. Tribalism can be religious, can be political, it could be any modern company, it even be your own tribe.
When we have great inequality between tribe, then we have a recipe for instability in our world. This I believe is one of moral challenges that we face which I believe we can deal with difficult situation. Tribalism is most powerful positive force we know. Tribalism gives us culture, tribalism gives us team identity, tribalism allow us to celebrate 6500 languages there are still spoken in India. Tribalism allows us to celebrate poetry music, a family neighbourhood, and community. Tribalism allow me to be who I am, and allow you to be who you are.
Tribalism give us friendship, tribalism give us identity and tribalism gives us people movement and tribalism gives us team, tribalism gives us brand, or rather every brand create tribe, every successful organization is a tribe. More powerful you become as movement or business, more powerful your tribe will be. When all tribe members inspired by same value, gript by same vision, by same passion going after the common goal, where they believe in common goal than you have people movement.
(Power of tribe-clash of culture).

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