Thursday, October 30, 2008

Uncivilized people games are wars.

Uncivilized people games are wars. This is Islamic republic of Iran law enforcing agency. Their job is to maintain law and order in a society. The Picture suggest that police is imposing Islamic justice. These fundamentalist believe that the Islam led into error by this man.
They see it nothing wrong with current fundamentalist Shiite system, there is no need to change fundamentalist dictatorial, tradition mulla-cracy regime in Tehran, they are wrong.
Perhaps some improvement to dictatorial ship will satisfy some Iranian. Improvement will please foreign country. Some people in this decayed state will argue that this is not civilization name it what you like, but don’t called civilization. Their law and tradition need to be changed completely. Religion and its followers are hostages to the Persian Mulla, other wise in a free society religion is personal choose. If some believe in free well and free choice. Civilized people believe in individual self-determination as well as collective self determination. To me this man denied his basic right to dignity.

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