Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pakistan is a cow its muzzle is in Baluchistan and its udder in Punjab.

1. This is one of many reasons that Baluchistan should be an independent state to retain its revenues and to control migrants from the neighbouring countries who are attracted to Baluchistans resources and economic opportunities.
2. Baluch are unlikely to export surplus capital and labour to Pakistan. Baluch also have not got surplus capital and labour outside Baluchistan. Punjabi, Mohijir, Persian education have created new talent in search of opportunities. Punjabi, Mohijir, Persian send their sons all over Iran and Pakistan particularly to Baluchistan where they are engaged in business and government service.
3. Punjabi and Persian are positioned by hollow qualification and seniority to move into opportunities, they are over represented in the civil service, army and business. Punjabis prosperity will suffer in divided Pakistan. It is not certain that Pakistan would survive without Baluchistan.
4. There is no interest and opportunities for Baluch to preserve Iran and Pakistan. Baluch have less opportunity in higher education and government service then other ethnic groups both in Pakistan and Iran. The literacy rate is considerably lower than the other ethnic groups in Pakistan and Iran. Baluch have not benefited from the transit trade in mega project investment.
5. Pakistan has not got much economic institutions that bring prosperity to Baluchistan. Separation from Pakistan and Iran promise economic benefit to Baluch. Baluchistan contributes more to the income of Pakistan than it receives. Baluch have not got widespread interests through undivided Pakistan. Baluch are not employed in Punjab or Karachi industries. MQM the Karachi city administrator party has drained resources from Baluch. MQM policy has resulted in a mass migration of the Baluch population from Karachi into internal Baluchistan. It is difficult to see Baluch find itself in political control in undivided Pakistan or Iran.
6. There are a lot of countries that are unviable but have survived. In order to succeed nationalist in Baluchistan should be more consistent better organized and conduct under the auspices of a political party than their early nationalists. Today nationalist movement in Baluchistan consists of more than one movement. No political party has a chance to capture the support of the entire Baluch population. There are group struggle in one area ignored by other groups elsewhere. In these cases struggle may linger for many years to come, if it’s not remedied.
7. Pakistanis elite and military general are inaccessible to the political influence of the Baluch. Pakistan main political parties system is based on ethnic division and has produced inaccessibility. Those People control the central are themselves divided by interethnic party competition.
8. The ethnic riots polarize elections, military coups, one of these occurrences can serve as a sign that Pakistan served it usefulness, negotiation would be hopeless. There is no alternative but a divided Pakistan, back to its historical and cultural boundaries. Nationalism is linked to boundaries maintenance.
9. Pakistan government has supported colonization schemes that bring Punjabi, Mohijir and jihadist in to Baluchistan as plots to overwhelm the Baluch population in Baluchistan. In the quest for commercial land led Pakistan government plans to place settler from Punjab and Karachi in Gwadar a traditional fishing village in Baluchistan.
10. In undivided Pakistan, Iran Baluch have to worry simultaneously about assimilation and colonization. Baluch are threatened by assimilation and they are equally threatened by in-migration. Independent Baluchistan will shore up endangered ethnic group boundaries bring stability to region.

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