Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Assimilation is not the answer.

It is essential for Pakistan and Iran to find a way that would weaken the capacity of Baluch to challenge Iran and Pakistan, domestically or internationally. That means denying Baluch any international standing and undermining the domestic institution basis on which Baluch had historically sustained themselves as cohesive community and organized to contest for state power. I do not believe, the Sardari system is a democratic system or one can organize a modern system around it. But assimilation is not the answer.
Anti-sardar rhetoric would not give Baluch what they need to be able to maintain their languages and culture, and national sovereignty.
Without independent Baluchistan’s millenniums year’s old communities and Baluch culture, language would not be able to resist Persian and Pakistani national building and assimilations policies.
Sardar is an institution that unites and protects tribe, tribesmen jealously guard their territory and members, Tribesmen select their Sardar. There are advantages and disadvantages in every system of government. An ash has no value; do not burn your shelter.

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