Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baluch should pay whatever price required for their independent.

It is obvious to the Baluch nation that so called a moderate Baluch nationalist demand for special representation in the Pakistan politic, economic and public service unmet by state. Pakistan has continued to exploit the Baluch resources. Some people so called the moderate Baluch nationalist leader and activists have joined the struggle for independent Baluchistan.
Pakistan is responding violently eliminating those moderate political activists and leaders who once entertained the hope that their vote will one day transferred to political power, now they come to term that there is no end to the Baluch suffering in undivided Pakistan.
Baluch had experienced the special constitutional concessions in the recent past, and have learnt from those experiences Punjabi and Pakistan army cannot be trusted. Baluch have rightly abandoned special concessions; Baluch should pay whatever price required for their independent.
Punjabi and Mohijir elites have skilfully exploited the Baluchistan resources and dominated the Baluchistan politic because of differences among Baluch tribal chiefs and Baluch political party. Tribal differences have enabled the Pakistan army to suppress the Baluch struggle for independence in the past; it will enable the Pakistan elites to do it again if Baluch failed to resolve their tribal and regional and political differences.
Baluchistan national party has the responsibilities to protect Habib Jalib image. Habib Jalib had given his life for Baluch and Baluchistan. He worked tirelessly. Habib Jalib, who had been assassinated by the Pakistan’s intelligence services, some opportunist’s individuals backed by Pakistan establishment tend to make the most of Habib Jalib unfortunate demise. Baluchistan national party leadership should not allow opportunistic individuals to use Good name of Habib Jalib to sparkle their stain images.

1 comment:

MoinSaddiq said...

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