As the history of Baluchistan first appears more than 2300 years ago when Alexandra the great pass through Persia (Khorassan) on his way to invade India, the Alexandra’s army encountered the Gedroshian forces in Khorassan hill. Alexandra chose Mukran route on his return to Persia and Babylon. The result of Alexandra expedition through Baluchistan has offered some written documents that indicate Baluch distinctness from their neighbours.
Another epoch when Omer the first caliph invaded Persia, Omer dispatched a spy to Baluchistan, in return the spy reported to caliph that Mukran is a vast land with little water, a small army will be defeated the large army will die from hanger and want for water as that happen to the Alexandra army. The Arab army did not invade Baluchistan. The Baluch language and culture survived the biggest threat that demised and reshaped our neighbour forever.
In the seventh century Mohmmed bin Qusm invaded few ports of Baluchistan to some extend it did not affect Baluch nation as whole, owing to economic and political circumstances that related to relic. The Baluch language and culture and way of life have survived.
Baluchistan has been conquered and occupied, but conquerors were able to leave little or no mark on the Baluch culture or language. There are many reasons that invaders have not been able to assimilated Baluch nation. A) the Baluch unique sentiment B) cities were too small only confined to small forth and artisan and few merchants, majority of the Baluch population were resided in small villages.
C) Tribal; where loyalty defined by blood relation and outsider are rejected.
Up till now there is popular myth that there were completely impossible for any invader to subdue the entire Baluch nation, no one ever had been able to achieve that.
Mountains have protected Baluch for centuries from outside invaders. But the modern armies are equipped with modern technologies that the mountains are no loner outside the enemies reach.
The question is that how should Baluch face the enemies that armed with bombs which can destroy the mountains? The enemies endow with gas that can poison environment and water?
The technologies make it possible for the enemy with the adequate resources to mobiles it forces within hours in any part of Baluchistan. When a state act irrationally it is hard to predict the state action. Pakistan is irrational state, its politician behave like the criminal they recognises no internal law.
The state of Pakistan arose from the colonial unit, which was imposed upon five self-sustain nations. In order to create an ideological Islamic state, the Indian subcontinent Muslim elites, had formed Islam into political ideology mobilised Muslim in around the hate against Hindu majority; Muslim elite in India had succeeded to create state, but the have failed to transform the religion into nationalist ideology. They are finding it a very difficult to create a homogenous culture out of current inhabitants. Pakistan became a sovereign territory, but it is far from unified nation.
Pakistan has invaded Baluchistan and isolated its leaders in some cases has killed those Baluch who want to promote integrity of Baluch nation. Pakistan promote indecency And reward dishonesty.
The new invaders of Baluchistan have learnt from where other had failed in Baluchistan in order to subdue nation enemies no longer believe in the assimilation, secondly the assimilation process take a long time and need a lot of expert knowledge, in order to assimilate another nation one have to have a superior well define culture than the Baluch culture, the Pakistani (Punjabi) formed their state by cultivating hatred against Hindu therefore that has placed the Pakistani away from their Indian roots and heritage this ambiguity has created more uncertainty. One can create an artificial state over night but cannot create a new culture.
Now for Pakistani to succeed Pakistan is relaying on brutal force, to isolate some middle classes and kill the nationalist activists and leaders and corrupt amoral Baluch. And swamp Baluchistan with Mohijir settlers, Punjabi, Taliban the most ideological Pakistani.
It is remain to be seen if Pakistani succeeds. Baluch are resisting strongly, although there is weakness in struggle. Baluch may need to recognise that environment that their survivors depend on it has changed. Baluch need to evolve new ideas to counter new phenomenon. Baluch should not relay on the mountains for protection because the enemies developed technique that mountains no longer offer protection. the enemies are equipped with media, and well educated intellectual, the enemies are holding the united nation seats.
The enemies of the Baluch nation would like to draw feature of Baluch as uncivilised people. It is easy for the enemies to dehumanise Baluch and kill them in isolation away from foreign media. Pakistani settlers are using state machineries in order to demonise Baluch nation. Baluch intellectual should debate ideas and should not shy from discussing what future Baluch has. More than 8000 young educated Baluch are currently held by security forces with no charge registered against them their where about unknown. Political party are denied platform, the state army acting like common criminal and killing who ever please them. No force can defeat will of the people, will of the people prevail.
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