Wednesday, November 2, 2011

No nationalist movement can be based purely on sentiments.

No nationalist movement can be based purely on sentiments. The most successful nationalist movements have been built upon varieties of interests. These interests will not diminish the role of the nationalist.

It would be a mistake to think that a powerful political movement can solely be based on sentiment. It is also wrong to dismiss the role of nationalist in imaging a movement fuelled by commitments to the nationalist vision.

Ideology could play an important role. Nationalist ideology co-ordinates actions among political elites mobilise popular support and legitimise political movement. Ideology provides inspiration and clarity, without that effective political actions could be difficult. The ideology performs a role in conflicts and mobilises the groups to take part in conflict otherwise have no interest in politic.

Nationalists can play a role in helping to coordinate the efforts of various Baluch liberal elites to establish a strong movement for national liberation.

The liberal nationalist can shape the character and language of the nationalist. Once liberal nationalist has changed the character and language of the nationalist conflict, the nationalist conflict will continue, even if interstate and region conflicts are settled and supper powers also wanted it to come to the end.

Some political parties and individuals allowed the states to outmanoeuvre the national struggle for independent and reluctant to play constructive parts to create a strong political movement. Some Baluch political leaders have never been engaged in the construction of the strong Baluch national liberation movement, their engagement with nationalist have always been the continuation of purely sentiment commitment. They are obsessed with unity, but their unity is no substitute for building up a popular movement to challenge the occupation and outside rules.

It is moral and proper judgment to struggle for liberation and unification of Baluchistan.

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