Monday, February 27, 2012

The stabilities of states are dependent on the will of the people.

It is the core of humanity that human being should mutually tolerate one another. Absolute freedom and equal, impartial liberty are the things humanity stand in need of all the times. In the modern world no one hurt of his/her neighbours difference religious or opinions. We should rather encourage diversity of opinions in a society, because different opinions develop the intellectual resources and help men in discovering truth that people benefit.

Imposing a belief is not a way to bring a truth to individual; even where imposing ideas are sources of comforts and security. A man only believes when convinced by enough reasonable evidence.

No person, institution has a right to interfere with the liberty of another, Pakistan and Iran have no right to occupy and interfere with the independence of the Baluch nation the occupation of Baluchistan should not at any cost be tolerated in the world community.

One thing has to be cleared that the Baluch people have natural rights with their resolution to preserve the Baluch national character and liberate the nation from slavery and establish the independent Baluchistan. The independent Baluchistan with the consent of the Baluch people elects a government that will be the Baluch nation lawful government.

In the independent Baluchistan the Baluch nation will obey the state because the state will be voluntary institution. The state is going to be formed by sacrifices of majority of the Baluch people. Every Baluch will feel that his/her sacrifices have made independent Baluchistan possible. Because every one feels that they have made sacrifices every one recognises the duties not to interfere without a sufficient reason with the freedom of his/her neighbours.

The only safest way of securing the stability of Afghanistan and Pakistan is to restore the Baluchistan’s independence to pre 1838 British invasion. The stabilities of states are dependent on the will of the people.
M. Sarjov is a poltical activist based in London.

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