Friday, August 3, 2012

The Punjabi and Persian are not going to stop the Baluch killing,

The world has always been a dangerous place. If anyone hope to survive in this dangerous world one must always be aware of dangers and predict them and must take the necessary precautions against them.
It is necessary for the Baluch to recognise and exploit the opportunities that present themselves and organise themselves more quickly more skilfully. The world is also an opportune place for some.
The Baluch ought to anticipate enemy’s motives and their actions sooner. Be aware of what is happening and do not wait for thing to happen and act before to late. Prudent national leader prepare, equip,  the nation and exploit the enemies and acts toward off  threats posed by enemies.

The Baluch lost their independence, it will not help to start a blame game who and how, but one thing is certain that the Baluchistan has been occupied and divided against the Baluch will that is one of the unifying point that united the Baluch regardless of class, social status, or religious.

Some Baluch has avoided a war of self defence in protecting their independence, consequently, have scarified their properties, freedom, and now losing lives every day in the great numbers the enemies have taken opportunities from a lack of unity among the Baluch and continue to do so until or unless the Baluch decide to close windows of opportunities than situation will change in the Baluch favour.

The Punjabi and Persian are not going to stop the Baluch killing, wrongly, they have envisaged that the collective demise of the Baluch nation is in their national interest and it is an established fact that the state are ruthless in pursing their interest.

The way out from the state of suppression and violent death the Baluch are facing, is for the Baluch political parties, notables, Tribal chieftain, community leaders  and educated elites to turn their competition into  Cooperation and grantee each others rights and duties.

In order to not be killed by the enemies the Baluch need to be united, for just not to be killed, other wise the killing which have begun not going to stop her we are going to be atomised one at time and killed, some of us have experienced it when Mullah regime in Tehran started killing the Baluch in different names in 1980.

The Baluchistan occupation carries enough incentives for the neighbours to kill the Baluch and take their lands. It is simple, the Baluch’s neighbours have powers and United Nations legitimacy and they are using that power to kill, like the Baluch never existed.

But there is another face to the colonisation that is the existence of enough collaborated and educated elites who are willing to subordinate the nation to colonial rules in Baluchistan and disunity among the nationalist forces make it easier for the subordinators. The colonisers derive their legitimacy from collaborators. They are motivated by greed and selfishness.

In order to re-establish sovereign Baluchistan with a government that possesses  authorities and the state has absolute power to protect the Baluch nation from internal disorder, foreign threats and enemies, that is only possible if the Baluch nationalist forces only have the Baluch national interest in mind.
Only in the independent Baluchistan with a stable government democracy, institutions, rules of law will thrive. Without independent there is nothing but slavery. Some prepare a death for slavery.
M. Sarjov a political Activist based in London,

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