Friday, October 19, 2012

The Baluch sets no limits for himself, risks everything he has, never cease to resist

Iran is a state not because the Iranian population constitute a single nation but rather Iran is the outcome of Shiite Turkish tribes’ ambitions, lucky wars, diplomatic and administrative skills. The dynastic rulers’ maintained order enforced laws and carried consistent existence within a territory.

Such things made continuous existence of Iranian political communities possible. The existence of the state has become clearer when Persian historiography lead tenable picture from otherwise untenable past. The current state systems and national states are product of European thought in the last 150 years imitated everywhere else.

The Iranian population are not a nation that share history, language, religion, myth, hero yet the Persian elites were able to produce an artificial history that shown continuity  in the same territory for centuries and to maintain the Persian solidity of the Persian social fabric and demand every one loyalty to the suppressive state.

God bestowed the Baluch a land separated by 1000 miles desert from the Persian land and language, culture, and religion different from the Persian therefore the Baluch must constitute sovereign state.

The Baluch only reach freedom by cultivating the identity of their own and by combining their own identity in the whole nation. The Persian occupation on the Baluch land will be continuously challenged and upset the region security for some times to come.

The Baluch sets no limits for himself, risks everything he has, never cease to resist, and will one day win the victory over the Persian whose goal is the subjugation. 
M. Sarjov is a political activist based in London,

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