Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Iranian security forces arrested four men After the shooting and Bombing

After the shooting and Bombing the Imam Hossein mosque in Chabahar port on the 19/10/2012 The Iranian security forces arrested four men; 1- Khir Mohammad Narouie, 2- Qalander Amiri, 3- Mohammad Amin Amiri, the fourth man’s names has not been published yet, from Maskutan a town in western Baluchistan province. According to human right activists from the Western Baluchistan the four men are relatives of politician and the armed resistances. The Iranian regime has persecuted the family members and friends; it is a deadly leverage the state has used against Baluch.

It has been reported that the four arrested men have not taken any part in any political activities against the regime or otherwise, they have been arrested because of their blood relations to the people who have been resisting the state injustice in Baluchistan and discrimination against Sunni sect of Islam. The Baluch are Sunni in the Persian and Shiite dominated Iran and the Baluch are regarded as third class citizen because of their ethnicity and religion.

   Two days after the Imam Hossein mosque in Chabahar port was bombed three persons, Abdul Jalil Kahrazai, Yahyah Charzai, Abdul Basit Ragi were hanged in Zahidan the capital city of western Baluchistan. Abdul Jalil Kahrazai, Yahyah Charzai, Abdul Basit Ragi were charged on allegedly different offences three years ago.  Iranian justice on Baluch based on revenge and to demonstrate the state brutality.

Western Baluchistan is situated on a transit route for Drug from Afghanistan to Europe and Arabic sea. Iranian regime is an intolerance theocratic regime, has killed many Iranian,  the Baluch constitute 4 to 5 millions from 75 millions Iranian population, but the number of the Baluch who  have been killed in Baluchistan by the Iranian regime  have passed  the  numbers those who have been killed by regime all over the Iran.
The Baluch in Iran have no access to defence lawyers.  


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