Sunday, April 12, 2015

It is the time for the Arab Gulf states, Arab league, and the world to recognise Baluchistan as an occupied land.

By the end of 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century with the help from European colonisers, the Persian king had invaded nation after nation in the Iran plateau and oppressed the people, now the entire region lies in tears and pain. The Persian attacked the western Baluchistan and imposed the state legitimacy on the Baluch by invasion.

Since the invasion of western Baluchistan in 1928 political movements have always existed and resisted the Persian occupation of the western Baluchistan. The Baluch National has resisted the Persian occupation and has demanded National self-determination on the bases of universal principle of the right to national self-determination. Nationalism has become vocal type of national identity.

The Iranian Shiite Mullah wants us to believe that the Persian state and laws are divinely sanctioned; because Iran’s law is based on the Shiite religion doctrine. Any attempt to change this Shiite order is regarded blasphemy and impossible to change by the will of the Baluch people. Change is inconceivable in Iran where the state is governed by Shiite religious extremist.

The Shiite was the source that created modern Iran. The Shiite is the sources that unite the current majority population of Iran. But the claim to Shiite legitimacy has challenged the modern world order of nation states. Apart from the Shiite religious the Iranian population has not another source to unite the majority of population.

Iran is faced with internal political instability and disorder. Political instability in Iran derives from social changes, the rapid ethnics’ mobilisation and failure of Persian elites and rigid Shiite clergy to recognise their internal political failure and external challenges.

For the Baluch in the western Baluchistan law is an external prescription over which they have no control. A  Baluch discovers law but he does not make law. The Baluch cannot make supplementary amendment to basic Shiite law to apply it to the Baluch moral, economic, cultural and environment in which he live.

 Iran is governed by so called the Shiite divine law and the government does not allow changes in society.

Contrary to the Persian the Baluch in the western Baluchistan have developed a sense of their capability that they can understand their society; they can control nature as well as society by their rational action to change social and environments. The Baluch in the western Baluchistan reject Persian restrain.

Iran is destined to a failed state. The state political system must be capable to secure harmony within a society. In the environment of a peace free men pursue its economic activities and raise family in the peace and harmony.

The task of republic is not to express, sustain or promote the interest of Persian or Shiite sect of Islam, but maintain peace and provide harmony for all citizen.

The Persian elite came to define themselves as an Aryan against their Arab, Turk, the Baluch and the others ethnic groups.  The Persian elite sponsored state nationalism is dead. The state sponsored nationalism was killed by the Shiite revolutionary in pursue of universal Shiite glory. 

Iran only survive if the majority of Iranian population think of themselves as Iranian and votes by their foot. But the reality is different, the Iranian has been oppressed for nearly a century and the ethnic conflict in Iran is a time bomb waiting to burst and no one is sure of its consequences.

The Arab, Baluch, Kurd and some Turk ceased to think of themselves as Iranian. Iran no longer exist in their mind. They think of themselves as Baluch, Arab, Kurd, and Turk and see the future within themselves as independent Nations.

Iran is a failed state. Iran with huge natural resources is still a poor volatile third world country.  Having said that, we should not underestimate the Persian Shiite doctrine that control four Arab Capital and still growing.  The Persian Shiite have not hidden their aspiration to occupy the Arab States and establish the Shiite caliph. We believe that the Persian Shiite caliph is as dangerous as ISIS and should confronted and dismantled at the same time.

Lets breakup the fundamentalist camps and deny fundamentalists the safe home in which they have stolen from the Baluch, Arab, Kurd and Turk in the first place.
The people of western Baluchistan are Baluch, and Sunni Muslim. Iran is a Shiite state. The Iranian invaded Baluchistan in 1928. Iranian government has openly used their coercive forces to subjugate the Baluch nation. Baluchistan is an occupied land and it is the time for the Arab Gulf states, Arab league, and the world to recognise Baluchistan as an occupied land.

An Independent Baluchistan is a legitimate alternative and universal claim that the Baluch must have state in order to protect their national identity and national interest. An Independent Baluchistan provides security to Baluch people and provides stability in the south Asia.
Mehrab Sarjov is a political activist based in London strive for an independent Baluchistsan. 

International coalition to support the non-Persian nations, and Ahwazi centre for media and strategic studies, a seminar “storm packets” and  its impact on the future of the non-Persian nations.

Mehrab. Sarjov is a Baluch political activist based in London campaign for an independent Baluchistan. 

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