Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Impact of China-Pakistan economic corridor

 Brussels International Press Club
Mehrab.D. Sarjov


Ladies and gentlemen and organiser, Pakistan has become Beijing‘s newest colony. Pakistani politicians and heads of institutions are turning to the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad to resolve the State's internal political dispute between parties and asking the Chinese Ambassador to mediate between central government and the provinces over the allocation of the state budget and development projects.

China has settled its land border disputes with all her neighbours except India for a good reason. Many pundits and economists believe that India’s economic growth will overtake China before 2035.

India needs internal and external peace for its economy to reach the Chinese level before overtaking them. China will deny Peace to India through managed, low level war. For this reason China would like to see the India-Pakistan low level state of managed war continue for decades to come, in order to keep India in permanent turmoil.

This everlasting, managed low war between India and Pakistan has tied India down. In the future this will allow China to complete projects similar to of CPEC.

India’s situation of permanent low level war with Pakistan provides an opportunity for China to make new military and economic alliances in the Middle East and far beyond.

If the Pak-Indian managed low level war continues, India will not be in a position to compete with China economically. Subsequently India will be in a catch up position and China will impose it's land border on India. Whilst in that situation India will not be in a position to challenge Chinese regional ambitions.

The impact of CPEC has already changed demography, land ownership in Gwadar and Baluchistan. CPEC will turn the Baluch into a minority within a half decade in their own historical homeland which where they have dominated for thousands of years and deprive the Baluch land, economical freedom forever.

Pakistan has been committing genocide in Baluchistan since 1948 but the current mass killing in Baluchistan is different from those massacres the state committed in the past. During the current genocide, Pakistan has a partner. Pakistan is committing genocide in Baluchistan for many reasons but the major objective is to fulfill the Chinese expansionist ambition.

Pakistan is starving for foreign investment. Because of this in it's failed State, Pakistan elites go a long way to please China and projects like CPEC have economic benefits for the corrupt elite class. Many observers believe that CPEC is a military project and Gwadar Port will become a Chinese navy outpost that provides energy security to China and aid China in choking India's aspirations. China will be able to deploy its forces in territory disputed by India and Pakistan.

In 2008 China refused to use its veto power in the United Nation Security Council to block sanctions against Pakistani sponsored terrorism, Jamaat-UD-Dawa, the front organisation for L-e-T. Now China is willing to use its UN Security Council veto to protect Pakistan’s sponsored terrorist organisations like Lashkar Jangvi. It has been reported that last month China has used it's veto against the UN Security Council's attempt to impose sanctions on Pakistan backed terrorist organisations.

The Baluch struggle for an independent Baluchistan is a home grown struggle. Pakistan has always blamed India, however Pakistan has failed to produce evidence to back its claim. On the other hand, it has been reported that, China was willing to send in Chinese forces to protect CPEC in event of India’s interference in Baluchistan.

According to local observers, Chinese intelligence and top security advisers are already based in Gwadar where they are collecting information and overseeing the security of their people in the area. According to observers there are about 600 Chinese security, intelligence personnel permanently based in Gwadar.

CPEC is a military project. CPEC will turn Geo-politics to China’s advantage. It is not only a threat to Indian security but it is also challenging American interests in Asia and the Middle East.

As we speak, Pakistan is home to all kinds of terrorists and the State sponsors all kinds of Islamic terrorism.

Chinese expansionist policy and its sea claims are threating all countries in the south South East China Sea except North Korea. At the present time, India has the opportunity to remove the permanent threat of war from its western border and contain China.

The low level and managed war between India and Pakistan will exhaust India’s man power and resources. India has to remove this threat from its western border. At this time India has many allies against Pakistan sponsored terrorism and Chinese expansionist policies.

CPEC is an existential threat to the Baluch nation and Indian national security. The Chinese and Pakistani presence in Baluchistan should be resisted by all means.
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 Nothing Comes Without Conditions: China’s Relationship with Pakistan;

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India-Pakistan Tensions: India’s Expanded Toolkit;  China's Big Plans for Pakistan

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 Mehrab Sarjov is a political activist based in London and campaign for an Independent Baluchistan. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

India should not fall into a trap of blackmailing of China for supporting its Genocide corridors in return of Doka La.

China is furious & doing all this with India & Bhutan because both the countries has strongly opposed its Genocide corridors - OBOR in June.
India should & must not support TKB- Tibet Kashmir Baluchistan Genocide Corridor or CPGC- China Pakistan Genocide Corridor or so called CPEC/OBOR (One Belt One Road)/BRI (Border Road Initiative).

These areas i.e., Tibet, Kashmir, Kailash Mansarover,Himalayas, Baluchistan are anciently & historically integral part of India.

A terrorist Mao regime or Mao Republic of China since 1950's first killed there own King, than its own people and afterwards start capturing Indian northern areas & demolishing peoples fundamental rights & even conducting mass genocides from Tibet to Chinese Occupied Kashmir (Aksai Chin) & now from Gilgit Baltistan to Baluchistan.

Moreover Mao's Communist regime of China does not even care to obey/respect International Rules & Regulations, whether it is in case of supply of Nukes & its Technology to North Korea, Pakistan & through Pakistan to Iran, Iraq & Libya. And more recently whether we look in the case of Vietnam Sea (or so called South China Sea), strict violation of the orders of International Court of Justice by China. On regular basis China even violates the territorial boundaries (either water or land) of other neighbouring countries like Taiwan, Mongolia, Brunei, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore etc.

In China there are no democratic rights for there own people. People in China does not even have a right to vote, but it is hard to understand why it is called as People's Republic of China.