Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Baluch are the victim of The Arab and Persian, Shiite and Sunni rivalry in the Middle East.

Iranian have successfully introduced Baluchistan and the Baluch to the world communities as well as to Iranian as the land of drug and drug traffickers, they have institutionalised the hate against the Baluch. The Iranian regime has been portraying the Baluch as Wahabbi and Sunni Jihadi group in order to justify the Baluch killing in the Name of the Sunni fundamentalist inside Iran. Baluch are Sunni but they are not sectarian.

Iran is a multi-ethnic and multi religion state. The policy of the state has been one language, one religion and single nation with a single identity which is self-contradictory. The Iranian elite are insecure about their state ethnic diversity and multi religions character and they are feeling threatened.

The Baluch are separate ethnic from the rest of Iranian many ethnic groups and the Baluch follow the Sunni sect of Islam. Iran is a Shiite majority State. There are a strong sense of Nationalism and quest for national liberation from Iran within the Baluch. The expression of rights to self-determination viewed by dominant groups as the threat to the state, therefore self-determination is not tolerated by the Persian and Shiite who have dominated the State.

Broadly speaking the state has sought to standardise and assimilate the Baluch into single Persianised nation but failed.

The government view the Baluch as disloyal to the State, the Shiite view the Baluch as imposter and the Baluch view the State as the threat to the Baluch economy and existents.

 The Shiite and Sunni hatred is well documented and it is the biggest source that has destabilised the Middle East and the Baluch are the victim of never ending sectarian war.
The Most people who are at the risk of execution in the Iranian occupied Baluchistan are those who are trying to defend the basic rights to justice within the limits of the Iranian judiciary system.
 These basic defenders of the Baluch rights within Iran constitutional limits are accused of an arm struggle against the regime and are labelled as a collaborators of the Arab Sunni States, America and Israel.

Iranian have successfully introduced Baluchistan and the Baluch to the world communities as well as to Iranian as the land of drug and drug traffickers, they have institutionalised the hate against the Baluch.

 The Iranian regime has been portraying the Baluch as Wahabbi and Sunni Jihadi group in order to justify the Baluch killing in the Name of the Sunni fundamentalist inside Iran. Baluch are Sunni but they are not sectarian.

The United Nations has paid for the wall that the Iranian regime built on Iran and Afghanistan border, I am sure the United Nations could also put pressure on Iran to provide equal justice to all citizens. But unfortunately the Baluch has no voice in that privilege club, only dominant ethnic groups who control the states have voice in the United Nations.

The Shiite Sunni war is one of the longest conflict in the human history. The Baluch is the victim of The Arab and Persian, Shiite and Sunni rivalry in the Middle East.
Ladies and gentlemen there are drug coming from Afghanistan through Baluchistan into Iran, Europe and Arabian Sea but the Baluch have no control over their land. The Baluch have no means to stop the human and drug trafficking. The Iranian revolutionary guard (Al-Quads) control the Baluchistan and the drug as well as routes of the drug.

The Baluch issue with Iran is the national right to self-determination. Baluch are Sunni but they are not sectarian. Iranian regime has control over Shiite and Sunni fundamentalist inside Iran and outside Iran. Iran has benefited from the Shiite and Sunni conflicts in the Middle East as well as not ending conflict in Afghanistan. Iran has armed and financed the Sunni Taliban in Afghanistan. The Shiite Sunni conflicts have united the Arab Shiite and non-Arab Shiite with the only Shiite state that is Iran.
Mehrab. D. Sarjov is a Baluch political activist based in London campaign for an independent Baluchistan.

Between 314 and 544 persons have been executed in Iran in 2013 alone
 October 30, 2013
16 Baloch political prisoners were executed in Iran in an act of revenge for an attack on the border security forces. The executed Balochis were already in Zahedan prison and took no part in the attack. It was alleged that the Baloch prisoners crossed the border from Pakistan and they were executed after an encounter between Mersad, an Iranian paramilitary group and another armed group. In this encounter, according to government news agencies, 17 border security personnel were killed. Public prosecutor Mohammad Marziyeh announced that “Sixteen rebels linked to groups hostile to the regime were hanged in the prison of Zahedan in response to the death of border guards in Saravan, Iran.”
Many Balochi persons have been arrested in Iran on charges of crossing the border illegally, smuggling drugs and creating a law and order situation. However, they are hanged on the charges of insurgency after attacks on border security personnel and clashes with the security forces.

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