It has been said that differences between civilised people and uncivilised people are that the civilised people have a history and uncivilised people do not have a history.
It is
also a fact that the spoken languages have been around for millenniums people
always communicated with one another they always have name for their languages
and the group spoken that language but not all languages became script
languages at once.
The languages became scripted one after
Nations, tribes’
languages and transfers of experience and knowledge started long before written
languages. Human history and transfer of knowledge from generation to
generation started long before people could read and write.
History books others nations have written about
themselves and the others are constructed to serve their national building and
state building, to hold other-wise diverse ethnics and nations together in one
history is a product of modernity and quest for the national self-determination.
People have
always enquired where they as a group came from. Present is built on the past;
the roots hold the tree to the ground and history give a sense of identity to a
nation and connect the people’s present to the past. The history connect us
with times, places, event and record the people successes and failures.
being always interested in their past and believes in share originality and share
past, history some times united group for common purposes.
Dr Dashti
in his book The Baluch and Baluchistan try to answer some questions. It is
important to know about ones past in order to evaluate one present and plan for
ones future. One always learns from the past mistakes as well as successes.
A Nation
some times faced with a crisis, it is difficult to predict future without
knowing the past. Recorded history in a form of a book at the age of digital is
important. Every nation has started to record their history at one point at the
Dr Dashti
help us to understand events of the past, he construct from the history of past
otherwise that is difficult for some of us to visualize without help from
historian. He translates the past to
common standard believes it is very difficult to unite a nation. A common
interest of the people has never been enough to hold people together.
standard history is a one polar of state and state building. Revitalisation of
history is very important Dashti with its painstaking work has provided good
source for the Baluch nation to be proud of themselves and learn from their
past mistakes as well as their successes.
Dr Naseer
Dashti is a Baluch scholar with a good knowledge of Baluch history and
legends. He has researched primary sources. He has access to the Baluch
legends and verbal history and other documents that have not been published yet
in any shape or form.
Dr Dashti has brought back into the light the
hidden world, the Baluch world, the files of Baluch history lying under the
libraries dust.
Baluch national history has long been forgotten by the world and Baluch
themselves. The culture has been eroded and Baluch are slowly
becoming assimilated into these new states. Dr Dashti has answered some
questions for those who are seeking answers.
We thank
Dr Dashti for bringing historical credibility to the Baluch nation and just
demand for national sovereignty and independence. Baluch history has long
been passed down as legends and folk songs from generation to generation. Dr Dashti has added credibility to Baluch
history in his painstaking research.
Thank you
very much Dr Naseer Dashti, you served your nation well.
Mehrab. Sarjov
is apolitical activisted based in London.
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