Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It is not easy to ignore the Baluch Nationalism in Baluchistan.

Enlightenment has introduced to the modern world three ideas: liberty, equality and fraternity.  Most of the European countries claim that liberty and equality have become the common currency in their countries.
  People want to be free and equal and their state sovereignty is based on popular support. Citizens want to live in a sovereign state in peace and harmony with their neighbouring states.

The liberty and equality have been endorsed by some members Of the United Nations and intergovernmental organisations, but ignored by many member states.

The Baluch desire to be together and strong, and the Baluch demand liberty, equality and fraternity; denying the Baluch above values is paramount to denying the Baluch enlightenment. That has pushed the people to the edge. 

It is not easy for Iranian to contain genies of Nationalism in Baluchistan.

For some, the easiest way out of Baluchistan crisis is to shut their eyes and ears and think of the pre-cold war world or dream of a return to a new Islamic caliph or sustain the regional multi-cultural empire (Iran). The rulers and multi-cultural empires in the past tried to oppose liberty, equality and paternity to people but lost it and they are going to lose in Baluchistan.
Mehrab Sarjov is a political activist based in London,

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