Friday, April 19, 2013

The ISI and Pakistani establishment have initiated a policy of clean up in Baluchistan

It is  sad to see the struggle for national liberation in the Eastern Baluchistan turned to war of Baluch against the Baluch. Elections come and go, but division among the Baluch going to stay within Baluch nation, some people have decided to shed the Bloods of the others, for the election which already looks as the failed election. After all we want to liberate Baluchistan for the Baluch with the help of the Baluch. 

The point is that Baluchistan not going to be liberated by killing the others Baluch; the state has enough resources and tools to use against the Baluch. The International community’s opinion is not in favour of violence especially violence committed against their own people. It is hard to defend attacks on Zahri or any others unarmed or another Baluch tribal chief. 

   I do not know Sana Zahri personally I do not like these guys, but I am in a pain because he lost a young son a brother, nephews and tribesmen. I am saddened these people lost their lives needlessly. These lives could be saved. I thought the human lives worth more than party politic or an ideology.

 Some of us believe that no one in Baluchistan is divine to impose its will on the others. Only dictators have claims of 97 or 99 percent popular support and they are self-centred, righteous man; in a democratic society’s people have diverse opinions and people debate and use power of persuasion not coercion to convince their country man.
I asked a friend with a good knowledge of tribal mind set and politic in Baluchistan what is going on? He replied that the ISI and Pakistani establishment have initiated a policy of clean up in Baluchistan. I do not know how many of you know about (FATA) Pushtun region where Taliban killed 250 tribal chiefs and played football with their heads. In tribal society one cannot remove tribal chiefs and turn tribal society into social democracy, remove tribal chiefs Taliban will take their places.
My main point of argument is that the ISI and establishment are clearing way for religious party in Baluchistan, we are aware of the fact that the corrupt tribal chiefs are secular and powerful in order to clear the way for religious fundamentalist party Sardars have to be moved out of the fundamentalists way. The Baluch internal tribal war will weaken the Baluch nation in the Eastern Baluchistan and clear the way for Pakistani establishment to impose religious political party in Baluchistan.

The national liberation for the Baluch cannot be achieved in an isolation. The leaders must have patient, by killing the Baluchistan parliamentarian leaders or attacking their election campaign trails Baluchistan will not be liberated.
The pro-Pakistan political parties have lost the moral ground within the Baluch communities and Pakistan has lost legitimacy to rule over the Baluchistan, do not provide opportunity to pro-Pakistan political parties to claim they are the victims of violence. It is Pakistan and its agencies kill and dump the Baluch in the wildness.
M. Sarjov is a Baluch political activist based in London,

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