Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Baloch National Resistance: in defence of a united front

Dr. Naseer Dashti

National liberation struggles are complex phenomena having multi-dimensional issues and problems. Success of any national resistance movement is dependent upon many factors including response of masses, robust leadership, political and resistance institutions and formulation of feasible strategies. The Baloch resistance in Iran and Pakistan is the expression of their will for regaining national sovereignty. As the national struggle is entering a crucial and critical phase, the Baloch nationalist leadership and political groups are increasingly under pressure from different quarters to forge unity on a common minimum program of national salvation. I would like to deliberate briefly on the question of a united front of the Baloch nationalists in the context of national liberation struggle.
The Baloch firmly believe that their identity as a nation is more at peril than ever before. During the long and dark period of occupation they have suffered more than just national humiliation in the hands of occupying powers. Many of the nationalist intellectuals and political analysts believe that for the Baloch it is the situation of now or never. It is because their language is at the verge of being extinct. It is because their cultural traditions are being replaced by alien cultural values and religious fundamentalism is being laterally introduced in their secular society by states controlling Balochistan. It is because they are living below the poverty line despite the fact that their land is one of the richest in the world.

The Baloch masses for decades have been resisting the forces of occupation and subjugation with their blood and sweat. From the time alien rule was imposed on the Baloch people there has been - historically speaking - unbroken resistance to the domination. But why despite enormous sacrifices by the leadership and masses, the cherished goal of gaining dignity and sovereignty is still illusive? This is the question of foremost importance because in present circumstances, it is causing much disillusionment in the nationalist circles. Finding a reasonable answer to this question is important for streamlining the national resistance against the enemy in a meaningful way.

In Asia and Africa, during 19th and 20th century national liberation struggles have been successful when certain conditions were fulfilled.
1.      Willingness on the part of the oppressed people to resist the oppressor.
2.      Existence of a political leadership capable of gaining the allegiance of the people.
3.      Existence of favourable conditions for gaining international support for the resistance.
4.      Existence of an organization or political institution capable of streamlining various aspects of national resistance.

Let us see whether the Baloch national resistance fulfils these conditions in order to be successful.

There is no doubt that the Baloch masses have been and are prepared to confront the enemy. The history of the Baloch national struggle has witnessed that they are prepared to give unlimited sacrifices in the struggle for regaining their dignity and sovereignty.

The Baloch are fortunate that they not only have the privilege and advantage of having the old guards or the towering personalities of the Baloch national struggle still alive and active but there also is in existence a second level of political leadership capable of gaining the organized allegiance of the people. Together these two tiers of the Baloch leadership have both the experience and the ability to carry out the painstaking process of planning, preparation and overall conduct of national resistance.

Favourable objective conditions in international and regional polity for the Baloch cause have been created because of the erroneous policies of the states which control the Baloch land. Iran and Pakistan are economically and socially at the brink. Politically, they are isolated from the international community because of towing the policies of exporting terrorism and religious fundamentalism. The new and apparently the final phase of the Baloch national struggle is taking place in the context of a new world political milieu, in which religious fundamentalist and rogue states are increasingly under pressure from the world community.

The question which might be puzzling for many observers of the Baloch national resistance is that despite willingness of masses for enormous sacrifices, presence of a respectable and trustworthy leadership and existence of favourable international conditions, why the Baloch national resistance is unable to produce desired results. The fact of the matter is that this question is haunting the political activists affiliated with different nationalist parties and groups for a long time. They have been questioning each other that in a protracted struggle, how should the common enemy be confronted, and who should mount the charge? Are various small Baloch political organizations, groups and individuals in a position to lead the nation to its cherished dream of national liberation? To me, finding answers to all these burning questions should be sought by the leadership, intellectuals and political activists keeping into mind contextual factors which determine the course of every national resistance movement.

The national liberation struggle is neither static nor does it take place in a vacuum. The Baloch leadership must deepen this understanding that the final victory rests not on the wish or the dream but on the understanding of the prevailing conditions and the historical processes. To believe that the course of struggle is determined solely by the activities of isolated groups involves the fallacious assumption that the masses are rock like and incorruptible and they will join the struggle automatically. In fact history proves that without the most intensive all-round political mobilization this is more likely that the result may not be positive in respect of people’s involvement in national resistance. It is therefore of vital importance that the leadership of national liberation movement is broad based and nation-wide. This can only be possible when the leadership of various groups realize the fundamental importance of political mobilization on a joint platform. This realization may provide the proper answer to the question of a meaningful struggle against the enemy.

After objectively analysing the history of various national liberation movements in Asia and Africa, one comes across the fundamental importance of an organization or institution capable of streamlining, organizing and implementing the strategies of the national resistance. The solutions for burning issue confronting the Baloch national struggle also lies in the formation of a broad coalition of the nationalist parties, groups and individuals which are presently active on the nationalist front as separate entities.

In the circumstances facing the Baloch, it is imperative that a “United front” of all resistance movements and political organizations, groups and individuals should be formed without wasting any time for the completion of formalities. The historical responsibility rests on every patriot to call for the creation of such a front. Such a coalition of nationalist forces will obviously produce far-reaching positive results and would attract huge popular support. The cohesion and unity of action between the various nationalists and social groupings will constitute not only moral justifications for a move towards a comprehensive and all out resistance movement, but, what is more important, conditions will be created making a departure into a correct direction.
In the process of the formation of the united front, it is important to give proper considerations on following points:
Ø  The program of this front must be reflective of the genuine needs and aspirations of the Baloch masses.
Ø  The struggle under the banner of the united front should be a struggle of the Baloch people, inspired by their own sufferings and by their own experiences.
Ø  Keeping into account the scepticism of some leaders and groups among the Baloch leadership, the present initiative should not be an attempt to unify various factions into a single political party. However, the partners in the united front should be prepared to address the question of unification in their debates and discussions. Maintaining their separateness as political organizations, various factions should develop collaboration politically and socially in order to bring the people closer, to promote common understanding and to pave the way for ultimate unity.
Ø  In present circumstances, it is also important that the united front should not waste its energy to win over the support of the established collaborators and opportunists within the Baloch ranks; rather it should concern the unity of genuine nationalists themselves.
Ø  The united front must not be a marriage of convenience but should be a political alliance based on a common and genuine regard for the achievement of final aim of national liberation.
Ø  It should be among the core responsibilities of the United front to effectively co-ordinate the activities of resistance forces on both sides of the Goldsmid Line.
Ø  The united front should firmly believe in the organised power of the people as the motive force critical to the radical transformation of society and in our particular circumstances in the reconstruction of a new Baloch polity adjustable to the needs of 21st century.
Ø  The united front should be of the conviction that both political and economic powers are inalienable rights of the masses. In this way, the nationalism for which the United front should stands be the concept of freedom, prosperity and dignity for the Baloch people.

It appears that for the past many years the Baloch national resistance has been confronted with imaginations, rhetoric and fallacies of all kinds. A leadership who fails to realize the fact that to ignore the real situation and to play about with imaginary forces, concepts and ideals is to invite failure. Experiences of past movements had proved that revolutionary-sounding phrases do not always reflect revolutionary policy, and revolutionary-sounding policy is not always the spring-board for revolutionary advance. Indeed what appears to be “revolutionary” can often be counter-revolutionary. Untimely, ill planned or premature manifestations of resistance strategies impede the national liberation efforts. They do not advance the prospect for the achievement of ultimate aim and are clearly counter-productive. It is therefore obvious that it is not only the organizational structure of a resistance movement which matters but it is also of vital importance that policies must grow out of the real situations if they are not to become meaningless clichés.

The outburst of unorganized violence and individual acts of heroism might be considered as symptoms of the militant spirit of a resistance but are not being appreciated in today’s international political milieu. The winning of freedom for a nation demands more than passion. It demands achievement over drama. It demands an objective understanding for the implementation of theory and practice in actual conditions facing the nation. It demands a sober assessment of obstacles facing the resistance. It demands an appreciation of the fact that a national liberation struggle is bitter and protracted.

For the success of a resistance movement, masses have to be activated in a multitude of ways and this call for the exercise of every form of feasible strategies under the banner of a broad union of nationalist forces. It is imperative that the united front must reject all manifestations of militarism which separates armed resistance from its political context. A gun in the hand of a person having no political or organizational control is not different from a gun in the hand of a robber.  It is for the political leadership and institutions to have the overall control on political mobilization, and over all forms of resistance activities. There should be no ambiguity concerning this. The primacy of political leadership must be unchallenged and supreme. Every kind of resistance must be subordinate to political leadership. This is a time tested approach and is borne out by experiences of successful national liberation movements in Asia and Africa.

The history of liberation of a people from the domination of another nation has always been through a terrific struggle involving much sacrifice and suffering on the part of the oppressed. However, it is only an organised and united people who can channelize the suffering of their masses and streamline their national resistance into a meaningful struggle of national liberation. These are testing times for the Baloch. The solidarity of Baloch masses and resistance leadership is necessary in the given circumstances. Forging unity and developing feasible strategies for national resistance movement is need of the hour. It is imperative that the political leadership must reason and act in time. The intelligentsia and the political leadership will have to shed their scepticism; they will have to abandon grumbling and wavering on important national issues. They should be clear and loud and unambiguous on the question of our national identity and our right to be the master of our own destiny. They have to reach the people and speak a language that the Baloch masses can appreciate and international community can understand. Leaders and groups who are unable to understand the importance of political mobilization and unity or leaders who fail to adjust with the new mood of Baloch masses are certain to fell by the wayside.

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