Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pakistan survives today only by the force;

 The Western civilization can delay the demise of Pakistan for a limited period, but not forever. The Pakistani themselves have no will to maintain the state. External preservation has its limit. Is it morally justifiable to maintain a state that the majority of Pakistani population do not support?

A nation is founded by a sense of its member’s cultural relations with each other based on a shared past, a heritage of common ways and traditions. Pakistan is colonial components combined of five indigenous nations plus Indian migrants who migrated after British consented to divide the subcontinent on religion.

“Society is an achievement of human nature not divorced in nature from natural in general. Having a certain degree of solidarity i.e. being able, up to a certain point to endure the tests and answer the questions which are suggested by the scrutiny of human life from the point of view of value and completeness”.
 Pakistanis as a nation does not have a sense of solidarity as a result of historic achievement. However, five nations each have a strong sense of their own individual identity and each group jealously guard their cultural ethnic boundary from each other. The state has not been able to satisfy and maintain harmony between these ethnic groups and within the state. Instead it has relied on force to maintain the state, and with Islamic identity; an Islamic identity which the migrants brought with them from India and revitalised Iqbal’s, Lahore myth.

Islam as an identity of the state produced Taliban and other fundamentalist groups. There is no such thing as political obligation any more than moral obligation. People do what they want to do unless and until they are forcibly restrained by force. Pakistan is a matter of physical force and nothing else, and there are 170 million of them which is their sense of self-confidence, self-government and self-maintenance destroyed may be beyond repair. The use of force cannot go on forever and the use of the force has its limit.

 The Western civilization can delay the demise of Pakistan for a limited period, but not forever. The Pakistani themselves have no will to maintain the state. External preservation has its limit. Is it morally justifiable to maintain a state that the majority of Pakistani population do not support?

The army is a state within a state, financed by western states.
Western countries finance Pakistan’s army in order to prevent the state from verge of collapse; Pakistan is nuclear state, Pakistani nuclear weapons may fall in to the wrong hands, which is to suggest that these weapons are not in the wrong hands already. The Saudi financed Pakistan because Pakistan holds the Islamic bomb and the majority of Pakistanis belong to the Sunni sect of Islam that makes Pakistan the Saudi’s natural pawn.

Fanatics support Pakistan because Lahore is the capital of Islamic Umah, this is the same reason why Saudi supports Pakistan. Most fanatics spend some time in Lahore Madrasses, the world fanatical power house.
 Pakistan survives today only by force. Once force ceases Pakistan would cease to exist. There may come a time when two forces collide and one has to prevail. To some Pakistan is not a legitimate state and its elite rulers are not legitimate rulers.
Religious parties are seeds of fundamentalist brought from India, by migrant (Mullana Madodi), cultivated in the NWF frontier in order to counter early Pakhtoon nationalist movement, and the religious party and Jihad have thrived by Saudi’s and Gulf States money. Now Pakistan is the champion of new form of Jihad backed by the Gulf petro-dollar.,-last-option-for-poor-people-in-baluchistan 
The state of Pakistan contradicts itself in every issue.
 State can survive when the state can exercise authority over its territory and has  moral legitimate claim over the territory its rule. Unfortunately for the Pakistani the authorities and legitimacy is thought of solely in terms of physical force, then it is impossible to see how a man can discipline and exercise control over himself. He can only discipline and control others against whom he can bring to bear physical force. Therefore it is impossible to see how there can be such a thing as self-government. No society can be said to govern itself, if government and self are thought of purely in physical terms. There can only be the exercise of physical control and coercion by one group over another.

What Baluch want is not what Punjabi-Mohijir wants. Punjabi Mohijir wants to colonise. The Baluch want liberation from colonisers (failed state) Pakistan. Pakhtoon have sought their own design to govern their life. What public want in any moment must be corrected and amended by what public want at every other moment.

M.Sarjov a Baluch political activist strive for Independent Baluchistan based in London.

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