Monday, April 21, 2014

It is the time for leaderships to talk to each other

The Baluch leaderships are not playing a positive role; the leaderships have moved in their tribal mind-set, their close inner circle is busy fighting each other’s. There are lots of name calling; they are consumed by internal conflicts.

 It is the time for leaderships to talk to each other.  Unpleasant arguments and name calling among pro-freedom groups in public they are helping the ISI and demoralising their supporters for national liberation.

The Baluch have never had unified struggle but the Baluch did have an umbrella that had worked or did not work in the past,  the way the Baluch struggle is outdated and create lots of misperception. The Baluch leaderships need to move with the time and they must create an inclusive organisation.

 The Baluch national liberation is only achievable through an ideology, organisation, and mass mobilisation.  I have never seen the National party so confident, because unhealthy, unnecessary arguments among activists. Some among the pro-liberation movement have provided NP and the others confident that they lacked.

Pakistan is not going to stop the Baluch genocide until they remove the threat of an independence Baluchistan completely, to do that the Pakistan use different tactics.  It is upon the Baluch to response to the Pakistan tactics without damaging themselves beyond restoration.  
M. Sarjov

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