Thursday, April 3, 2014

Without legitimate and pluralistic, inclusive centralised political institutions the Baluch cannot achieve their goal.

1-      Politic is a process by which a society chooses rules that will govern it. Political institutions are the rules that govern incentives in politics. They determine how the government is chosen and which part of government has the right to do what. Political institutions determine who has power in society and to what ends that power can be used. All economic institutions are created by society.

2-      If the distribution of power is narrow that political institutions are absolutist. Under absolutist political institutions who can wield the power will be able to set up economic institutions to enrich themselves at the expense of society.

3-      The political institutions that distribute power broadly in society and subject it to constrain are pluralist. Instead of being vested in a single individual or a narrow group, political power rests with a broad coalition or plurality groups.

4-      The absolutist political institutions concentrate power in the hands of narrow elite and place few constrain on the exercise of the power. The most tribal chief and hereditary political class are dependent on narrow, exclusive, undemocratic institutions for their survivor. They cannot survive without political institutions that supress and exclude the majority of Baluch from political process.

5-      Without legitimate and pluralistic, inclusive centralised political institutions the Baluch cannot achieve their goal. When an organisation fails to achieve centralised political institution soon or later the organisation, state, descent into chaos. 

6-      The Political powers in Baluchistan have long been distributed among tribal chiefs. There is no single authority that can control or sanction what anyone else does. The Baluch are divided in to regions, and regions into tribes and tribes into clans that they cannot dominate one another.  The power of one tribe is constrained by the power of guns of another tribe; power of clan is constrained by power of another clan even within the same tribe. Tribes and their power of constrain leads to chaos and at the roots of it the absence of a legitimate central authority that exercise legitimate moral authority.

7-      We are advocating a political institution that is sufficiently democratic, pluralistic, inclusive centralised institution. If the institution fails referred condition than the organisation or institution is an absolutist institution.

M. Sarjov is a Baluch political activist strive for an independent Baluchistan based in London,

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