Thursday, May 1, 2014

Baluch reconciliation mission” This silence is demoralising the activists all over the world.

Different governments in Pakistan and chief ministers in Baluchistan have issued many statements on reconciliation with the Baloch leaders since 2006 over the Baluch conflict in Baluchistan.

 The current chief minister claims this is different from previous chief minister of Baluchistan claims. Dr Malik Baluch Claims that on his last visit to London he has succeeded in approaching London based exile leaders through common friends or friendly diplomats. The claims have not been denied or confirmed by the exile leaderships. The Baluch leaders have habits of talking on almost every issue.

 Prime-minister Nawaz Sharif and chief minister of Baluchistan are both in London according to the newspaper reports, they are scheduled to visit an exile leader or they may be here to persuade  him/them to return home “Balochistan CM in UK on Baloch reconciliation mission” .

The newspaper’s reports and silence of the Baluch leaderships and their close circle indicate that there may be some element of truth in the newspapers reports. It is no longer a rumour. The statement after 3/5/2014 will be failed attempt.

The leaders silence allowed Pakistan to create an environment for suspicion and the leaderships in question allowed the rumours to become reality. The Prudent leaders would have stopped confusion by issuing a simple statement by confirming or denying the reports.
This silence is demoralising the activists all over the world.

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