Monday, May 11, 2015

Iran is destined to a failed state.

Iran is destined to be a failed state.

The state political system must be capable of securing harmony within a society. In an environment of peace, freemen pursue their economic activities and raise a family in peace and harmony. It is not The task of the State to express, sustain or promote the interest of the Persian or Shiite sect of Islam but maintain peace and provide harmony for all citizens.

Since the invasion of western Baluchistan in 1928, political movements have always existed and resisted the Persian occupation of Iranian-occupied Baluchistan. The Baluch National resisted the Persian occupation and demanded National self-determination on the bases of the universal principle of the right to national self-determination and national hood. Nationalism has become the vocal type of national identity.

The Persian elites define themselves as Aryans against their Arab, Azari (Turk), Baluch, and other ethnic groups. The Persian elites’ sponsored state-building is dead, and state-sponsored nation-building is out of date and destroyed by Shiism. The Persian elite had made Iranian nationalism for themselves. 

 As a unitary state Iran only survives if the majority of the Iranian population thinks of themselves as Iranian and votes on their foot. But the reality is different; Iranian have been oppressing the ethnicities for nearly a century. The ethnic conflict in Iran is a time bomb waiting to burst, and no one is sure of its consequences. The Arabs, Baluch, Kurds, and some Azari ceased to think of themselves as Iranian. They think of themselves as Baluch, Arab, Kurd, and Azari and see the future within themselves as an independent Nation. Ethnic rivalries have already started between Persian and Azari (Turk) dominant populous ethnic groups in Iran.

For decades, the Baluch in Iranian-occupied Baluchistan has been the victim of systematic discrimination. We believe that the Persians are not powerful enough to suppress the Baluch and Kurds while fighting many wars in the Middle.

The current Baluch struggle in Baluchistan and the Kurdish uprising in Iranian Kurdistan will not end here. 

Mehrab. Sarjov is a Baluch political activist based in London and struggles for an independent Baluchistan.

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