Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Indian investment in Chahbahr (Iranian occupied Baluchistan) is not ethical and the Baluch are going to resist it

The Campaign for Independent Baluchistan from Iran,

The Campaign for independent Baluchistan from Iran and Baluchistan National movement will be holding a protest in Front of Iranian Embassy in London on 19th June 2016 against ethnic cleansing by Persian regime against the Baluch and unethical foreign investment in Chahbahr (Iranian occupied Baluchistan). Lend the Baluch your support against the Baluch genocide in the Iranian occupied Baluchistan.

Iran feels unsecure in geo-political terms, fearful of its neighbours and other countries. Iranian treatment of the Baluch is heavily shaped by the Persian Shiite colonial ambitions as well as by this sense of ruling elites’ insecurity.
 The Persian Shiite rulers never going to share powers with the Baluch in Baluchistan as the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran want us to believe.

The people of western Baluchistan are ethnically Baluch, religiously Sunni. Iran is the Shiite state ruled according to Shiite doctrine and supreme Shiite religion leader wishes. The people of western Baluchistan historically belong to once was the tribal confederation of Baluchistan. Western Baluchistan historically is not part of Iran. The Iranian forces invaded Baluchistan in 1928.

Iranian perceives the Baluch as a fifth column, working for the neighbouring states and Shiite imaginary enemies. Relations between the Iranian and Baluch are formed by Shiite state national securities in which the Iranian have completely banned the normal discussion on the Baluch issue thus; Baluch language, culture, economy and religion to ignore the Baluch mere existence. Baluchistan has been the Baluch historical homeland for thousands years.

The Baluch nation self-organisation and cultural activities and religious festival are banned; the Baluch political leaders are killed exiled and religious leader are under police surveillance, raising any demand is illegal. 

 Iran is ruled by the Shiite regime, and the state limit the Baluch religious activities in their own homeland. The Baluch are in majority, in Sistan Baluchistan, in part of Hormozgan, part of Khorasan, and part of Kerman provinces. The state has undertaken many projects to turn the Baluch into minority in their own homeland.

Since the occupation of Baluchistan in 1928 the Persian occupier has divided the Baluch homeland under their occupation into four provinces as the result of that the Baluch have turned into minority artificially in the above provinces except Sistan and Baluchistan.

On the other hands applications to build a Sunni mosque in Tehran the capital of state has been rejected by the state.  The Iran’s institutions are formed in the way that these institutions do not tolerate the Baluch language, culture, religion and economy.

The Iranian securitized the Baluch issue. The Baluch legitimate demand is the security fear for Persian Shiite. The securitization of Baluch demand has eroded the demands, and there is no chance demands will be accepted by the state.  

 Baluch is a nation determined for the unity of Baluch population to have a free state, a government solely of its own, for the exercise of a legitimate power and proper organisation for societies in Baluchistan.

In the Persian Shiite view the Baluch are not equal citizens in their view Baluch as human being do not exist in Iran.

I am certain that the Indian and the others do not entertain these Persian Shiite point of views.
India is the multi-culture, Multi-religious and multi lingual state and it is the largest democracy in the world. India is the symbol of diversity and the Baluch always admired the Indian culture of tolerance.

The Baluch under the Iranian occupation appeal to India that the Indian company as well as Indian government should not invest in developing the Chahbahr port because Chahbahr is occupied land and their investment is not ethical and the Baluch are going to resist it.

 The Indian and others countries investment in the Iranian occupied Baluchistan have encouraged Persian Shiite to confiscate more land from Baluch and destroy fishing villages and deprive the Baluch from the livelihood and dignities.

-          The message from the Baluch to Iran, India and others, you simply cannot walk into the Baluch house and tell them what to do and where to live.
-          Baluchistan is the Baluch house and Baluch want free Baluchistan.
-          The Baluch want to be home with themselves a majority in their own home land as they always have been.
Mehrab. D. Sarjov is a Baluch political activist based in London and strive for an independent Baluchistan from Iran.

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