Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Persian Shiite on behalf of the state have deprived the Baluch from all basic necessity to live a dignified life

The people of western Baluchistan are ethnically Baluch, religiously Sunni. Iran is the Shiite state ruled according to Shiite doctrine and supreme Shiite religion leader wishes. The people of western Baluchistan historically belong to once was the tribal confederation of Baluchistan. Western Baluchistan historically is not part of Iran. The Iranian forces invaded Baluchistan in 1928.

Thank you very much for allow me to speak. It has been said “one should only speak where one cannot remain silent, and only speak of what one has conquered- the rest is all chatter”.
Ladies and gentleman I am speaking because I cannot be silent on the Iranian crime against the Baluch inside Iran.
The Persian Shiite on behalf of the state have deprived the Baluch from all basic necessity to live a dignified life since the annexation of the western Baluchistan 1928.
It is a huge task for the Baluch Human rights activists to keep up with the speed of assassinations, execution, judicial murders, extrajudicial killing and to update the record of those who have been killed on streets by security forces in the Iranian occupied Baluchistan.
 In 2016 till now about 50 people have been killed by shooting on different securities check posts. The Actual numbers of people who had been killed are much higher than what have been reported. In the last week four Baluch were hanged in Jask and one week before that seven people were hanged to dead in Bandar Abbas, in total eleven Baluch were executed within two weeks in Hormozgan province.
The Tehran regime execute  the Baluch youths as well as an olds but the regime kill the young, able Baluch in order to deprive the Baluch from manpower and  maintain the Persian and Shiite domination on Baluch. The Iranian government has never hided its crime against the Baluch, and as well as its aggression against the Arab and Sunni religion.

The Baluch suffering inside Iran is well documented but the United Nations as well as Arab league and The Organization of the Islamic Conference have chosen to be silent. Ladies and gentlemen the Baluch land has been occupied and the state has been committing genocide in Baluchistan and the world and neighbours have done nothing to stop the Baluch genocide in Baluchistan.

 Now the Shiite regime in Tehran has its sight on holy places. Iranian are controlling Iraq. Iranian and Iranian backed rebels are not defeated in Yemen, the Iranian have strongest army in Lebanon. Iranian and their allies in Syria are in strong position. The Iranian Mullah are controlling the Bahrain, Saudis and others Gulf States Shiite minds.

Some Arab politicians are in favour of the regime change in Tehran. Let me tell from the recent history, Iranian monarchs were threat to the Gulf States, Iranian Shiite is a threat to the region and future Persian Nationalist dominated regime in Tehran going to be a threat to the Gulf States.  The Persian Shiite revolutionary dream of conquering of the holy places in Saudi Arabia has not worn out.

Iranian and their Shiite allies have encircled Saudi Arabiya militarily, after 5+1 nuclear deal Iran is coming out from pressure and diplomatic isolation. Iran not only provide the found to terrorists organisations it is also finance leftists religious sectarian and NGO and lobbyists around the world. It is only matter of time before the Iranian backed militia attack Saudi Arabiya on their own chosen time.
Nuclear deal has allowed Iran to provide more supports to it proxy in the Middle East. Nuclear deal provide golden opportunity for Iranian to create prefect storm in the Gulf. The consequences of the Persian chaos will be painful for the Gulf States.


Iran is a Shiite majority states with ethnics faulty lines. The Shiite sect has united otherwise inconsistent ethnics groups inside Iran.
The Turks, Baluch, Arab, Turkmen will not going to accept the Persian domination forever. Should Shiite as glue loses its position as a unifier Iran will become a failed state if it is not the one. I believe Iran is an ethnic time bomb. Diplomatic and media supports and the support to rights of self-determination to the occupied nation like the Baluch and others is one of the solution to the Persian Shiite aggression in the Middle East.

The Arab cannot defeated Persian Shiite aggression by allowing the Persian Shiite to set the rules of conflicts which they have been doing.  The Arab should have clear policy and willing partners to counter Persian Shiite aggression in the Middle East. Wars are won by alliance so far Iran has upper hands that need to be changed.

The Arab states apart from Syria have excellent relations with the world capitals but their relation with people to people and NGO in the west are not good as it should be. On the other hand the Iranian have large diaspora in Europe, and North America with power to vote. These Iranian diaspora acts as effective lobbyists for Iran. In my opinion the Arab states need to evaluate some of their people to people contacts in the west and their relation with the NGO and non-governmental organisation. The Gulf State should support the right of self-determination for the Baluch and others and also reconsider their support to occupied non Persian nation.

Mehrab. Sarjov is a political activist based in London and campaign for an independent Baluchistan, 

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