Sunday, April 29, 2018

The goal for the Baluch is an independent Baluchistan from Iran.

 Iran after the Mullahs,

On behalf of the Campaign for an independent Baluchistan from Iran I thank the Patriotic Arab Democratic Movement in Ahwaz for this opportunity.

The purpose of any state in our time is the protection of human life and culture. The large scale unemployment spark war. I believe that the hate against the Baluch and Arab has been institutionalised. The Baluch in Iran do not have their subsistence guaranteed by the State, There are not adequate food and provisions to preserve a dignified life.

Combinations of lack of economic development, failed State organisations, bad environmental, undemocratic institutions and unnatural boundaries made the Baluch living conditions intolerable.

Iran’s State structure is based on the coercive structure without proper institutions and little legitimacy to hold the State together, so with little effort from within the state will collapse.

Iran appear to be strong in term of destructive power and influence and control over many terrorist organisations but it is a falling state in terms of delivering good and services, protection of its citizen and their rights.

Iran is no longer capable to arbitrate disputes between citizens and diverse ethnic groups that competing for the control of state’s resources, provision of economic infrastructures and the state failed to provide security to citizens.

 Iran has been using the foreign terrorists to suppress its own citizens. The majority of Baluch, Arab and Kurd population reached a point that they are not willing to accept Persian rule and decision. Iran is fast becoming a failing State.

The Baluch believe that Tehran Shiite regime is spread too thin all over the Middle East and can be defeated in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Bahrain and in the occupied Baluchistan. We believe that Persian do not have enough resources and man power to maintain so many wars in so many fronts.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Baluchistan is not Iran but an occupied land. Tehran is treating Baluchistan as a Persian colony. The goal for the Baluch is an independent Baluchistan from Iran.
Protests and votes had led few countries to the independence. But Iran is not one of those countries in which the well of people is sovereign.
It is the time for The Baluch and others nation who have been the victim of the Persian occupation including the Gulf Arab and other who also have been the victim of the Iranian sponsored terrorism to unite against the Persian Shiite expansion.

At the present time the existence of nations are necessary and good for the world peace and security. We believe that the Baluch as a nation and unified Baluchistan as a homeland for the Baluch has right to exist in the multi-nations world.

The Baluch existence and liberty is under the threat in Iran. Iran is dominated by Shiite Persian ethnic group that denial the Language, culture, economic rights to non-Persian.

The Baluch existence and liberty would have been guaranteed if Baluchistan was an independent state. There is no bright future for the Baluch inside Iran even after the regime change in Tehran.

Ladies and Gentlemen Baluch is the nation and Baluchistan is an occupied land and the Baluch also have right to National self-determination. We appeal to the world to recognise this fact and support the Baluch national right to self-determination.
On the end I would like to add that the United Nations is a club of ethnic groups who have been dominating the member states, like Persian in Iran, Punjabi in Pakistan, the Baluch have no hope on the United Nation and other intergovernmental organisation. The member state has right to veto any report and the state look after each other.

Mehrab. Sarjov is political activist based in London and Campaign for an independent Baluchistan.


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