Friday, May 14, 2010

Legitimacy is basically a question of evaluation of accepting the legality and social relevance

The capital economic has broken up old ways of living and working, leading to rejection of every day routine normal conduct, for example the erosion of traditionalism as mode of political legitimacy. When the sons of Baluch tribesmen and peasant were taught to read and allowed access to newspapers and political territories, these people will have taken their interest in their own hands, and continuously showing that their interests are not identical with their tribal chiefs or states (Iran and Pakistan).
The strength of civil society and wage-earner, political institution, belief in the ability of educated elite to maintain and create appropriate institutions is a challenge to tribal system and religious hierarchy. Legitimacy is basically a question of evaluation of accepting the legality and social relevance.
The problem of legitimacy surges from the disintegration of the tribal politic sphere and development of fundamental changes in the Baluch society, political party, individual autonomy and protection of individual right and equal right for women. The state must create the condition of social harmony. However the state must create the conditions in which profitable capital accumulation is possible.
The states similar to Iran and Pakistan that openly uses coercive forces to help the Punjabi feudal and Persian Shiite accumulate capital at the expense of Baluch have lost their legitimacy and also with them the tribal chiefs and educated colonial subordinator. The modern Iran state politic is based on outright religious fascist in which public politic and social participation is reduced to zero. The state dominates culture which in turn dominates the individual. The autonomous individual has been swallowed by the state system.
In pursue of political domination the Baluch educated elite shall build a strong civil society in which public institutions flourish. The Baluch activist ought to turn to the ordinary Baluch for support against the states, and colonial subordinators. Educated elite and middle classes cannot survive without involvement of trade unions and institution whose existence strives on independent Baluchistan.

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