Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Shiite character of Iran is incompatible with self-assumption of Kurd and Baluch

In  today’s Islamic Iran among the population a class consciousness is lower than the religious identity.  Instead the religion is a primary object of personal or in some cases group identity and loyalty.

The Iranian populations are divided in two groups; 1) Muslim 2) non Muslim. The Iranian Muslim are again divided into two mains sects of Islam,1) the Shiite are the majority group and Shiite also divided into many Shiite sects.

The Sunni Muslim sect is the second largest group in Iran about 20-30 percent of the Iranian population but correct estimate is not available. The Sunni Muslim also divided among many school of thoughts.

The non Muslim are the Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian. Even though the Zoroastrian was the religion of the ancient Persian they have been suppressed more than any other non Muslim in Iran. The government jobs and certain private businesses are not open to the non Muslim.  Their religion activities are restrained.

There are political and social barriers that separate Shiite and Sunni.  The Sunni Muslims are not allowed to have their worship places in the Iranian major cities. A Sunni in Iran is not fits to be a high court judge, minister, chief of army, a president, governor of a province and ambassador. It is disqualified by the Iranian constitution.
According to the Iranian Shiite state doctrine a Sunni cannot be loyal to Shiite state. The Shiite considered themselves and considered by the state authorities superior to their non Shiite population of Iran.

The majority of Persian dominated groups tend to focus their identity and loyalty upon Shiite religion that served as basis for their nation state identity. The Shiite fuses many ethnics groups in Iran otherwise culturally and linguistically very diverse population.  The Turk, Arab, and Persian affiliation is based only on Shiite religion.

It is of little significant that the Turk Mullahs and Persian courter have been controlling the state, nationalism and class consciousness is low. The Shiite character of Iran is incompatible with self-assumption of Kurd and Baluch may be the Persian character of Iran is incompatible with the Turk and Arabs self-perceptions.
Mehrab. Sarjov

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