Thursday, May 22, 2014

It is possible to breakdown a vicious circle in Baluchistan

National liberation struggle fail because of lack of modern organisation and poor leaderships. The traditional tribal organisation keep struggle poor and prevent the movement for national liberation from embarking on truly unified front for national liberation.

This is true today in Baluchistan. Baluchistan was a British colony until 1947. The British ruled over Baluchistan through the khanate and tribal chiefs, the politic and economic institutions were designed by the coloniser to empower the tribal chiefs at the expense of the vast majority of people in society. Nothing has changed; Pakistan has continued the British extractive policies in Baluchistan.

The reason why struggle for the national liberation is not succeeding is always related to vicious circle and consequence of tribal institution or tribal mind-set among ruling elite. The Baluchistan ruling elites covers tribal chiefs legitimised by coloniser grouped around Punjabi ruling elite.  Some of these tribal chiefs reinvented themselves as nationalist, but sharing power and inclusive policies of pro-Punjabi elites.

The tribal chiefs in Baluchistan have always been able to hijack the struggle for national liberation and isolate genuine alternative leadership and expose the worker to the elements and bring entire struggle to the quarrel.

The lack of a strong modern organisation led to a fragmented struggle.  And sometimes genuine workers harm one another beyond repair. The infighting some people are introducing will lead to  collapse of national struggle for an independence Baluchistan.

Pakistan has created economic and politic institutions, these institutions are transferring power toward elites, the Baluch ruling elites are included in these Pakistanis inclusive institutions. The elections in Baluchistan do not promote diversity but legitimise the elites rule and monopoly of violence against the Baluch people.

The solution to the fragmented struggle of the Baluch today is to transform their struggle toward inclusive one. The vicious circle means it is difficult. The tribal law is not inevitable; it is possible to breakdown vicious circle. Creation of broad coalitions against the colonisers can break vicious circles in Baluchistan.
M. Sarjov is a political activist based in London and strives for an independent Baluchistan,

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